Thursday, October 23, 2014

Job Vacancy BUMN PT Kereta Api Indonesia

Looking for a jobs ? job vacancy  BUMN PT Kereta Api Indonesia

Position : Karyawan Tetap

requirements :
  1. citizen
  2. Age , D3 serendah- setingginya low as 18 years and 30 years , S1 as low as 18 years and 35 years setingginya .
  3. Diploma 3 with a GPA as low as 2.95 and Tier 1 with a GPA as low as 2.95 , a graduate of an accredited " A " ( the date of graduation )
  4. Height to women as low as 160 cm and for Men as low as 165 cm with weight balanced
  5. No ties directly working with other agencies, including the PT Kereta Api Indonesia ( Persero )
  6. Behave well as evidenced by a letter from the Police
  7. Healthy physical and spiritual , and not color blind
  8. There was never involved with drugs and / or psikottropika
  9. Not tattooed men and women
  10. Especially for men not bertindik
  11. Willing to be placed in all areas of PT Kereta Api Indonesia ( Persero )
Jobs closed on 30 October 2014 To the alumni who are interested FEB unpad to include a cover letter , CV , photo , diploma , transcripts and CV collected at SBK / CDC Building C.2.3 ( Mr. Imron ) Faculty of Economics and Business , Padjadjaran University .
Cover letter no later than October 28, 2014

The event tests the day Thursday, October 30, 2014 time . starting at 08.00 . completed . ( Presentation , selection and interview adm )

Diposting Oleh : Andrian

Seorang blogger yang masih dalam tahap belajar, hoby menulis dan berimajinasi

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