Looking for a jobs ? job vacancy BUMN PT Kereta Api Indonesia
Position : Karyawan Tetap
requirements :
requirements :
- citizen
- Age , D3 serendah- setingginya low as 18 years and 30 years , S1 as low as 18 years and 35 years setingginya .
- Diploma 3 with a GPA as low as 2.95 and Tier 1 with a GPA as low as 2.95 , a graduate of an accredited " A " ( the date of graduation )
- Height to women as low as 160 cm and for Men as low as 165 cm with weight balanced
- No ties directly working with other agencies, including the PT Kereta Api Indonesia ( Persero )
- Behave well as evidenced by a letter from the Police
- Healthy physical and spiritual , and not color blind
- There was never involved with drugs and / or psikottropika
- Not tattooed men and women
- Especially for men not bertindik
- Willing to be placed in all areas of PT Kereta Api Indonesia ( Persero )
Cover letter no later than October 28, 2014
The event tests the day Thursday, October 30, 2014 time . starting at 08.00 . completed . ( Presentation , selection and interview adm )
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