Sunday, October 26, 2014


Looking for a jobs ? job vacancy OTORITAS JASA KEUANGAN (OJK)

  1. Applicants willing to follow all stages of the recruitment and selection process at locations that have been selected and are not allowed to move the location of the test . All costs for accommodation and transportation are the responsibility of the applicant
  2. Registration can only be done via the website .Lamaran by mail or other delivery media will not be served .
  3. Every stage of the selection announcement will only be included in the site
  4. Recruitment and selection process is done entirely by the Independent Consultant Team
  5. Applicants are not allowed to contact employees of the FSA in relation to the selection process . If proven, the committee reserves the right to prejudice the process of recruitment and selection of applicants related
  6. Only the best applicants will be invited to the next process
  7. All stages of the recruitment and selection process is free of charge
  8. Recruitment and selection committee decision can not be contested
  9. Time online registration is 26 October s/d 2 November 2014 at 23.59 WIB
Requirements :

  1. Maximum 24 years old by the date October 26, 2014 .
  2. Diploma ( D3 ) of all majors , preferably in the field of education : Economics ( Management , Accounting , Finance , Business ) ; administration ; Filing ; law ; Communication Studies ; Computer / Information Systems / Information Management )
  3. Minimum GPA of 3.0 ( three point zero - zero and the value is not the result of rounding ) of scale 4 ;
  4. Britain demonstrated proficiency through setifkat TOEFL with a minimum score of 40 or IELTS score of at least 4.5 and a certificate issued from 26 October 2012. See the provisions regarding the TOEFL PREPARATION OF THE FOLLOWING SELECTION menu link .
  5. For those who do not have the certificate of TOEFL / IELTS , must follow the incorrect English proficiency test organized by committee of Selection .
  6. Steeper for university graduates abroad are not required to indicate the certificate of TOEFL / IELTS .
  7. For college graduates overseas Cleaner does not use GPA , in order to include the conversion of standard GPA based on written statements from each college steeper and dilegalisr by Higher Education .
  8. Steeper for university graduates abroad are required to show a Certificate of Higher Education Diploma Penyetaran MONE or has applied for a Certificate of Penyetaran diploma .
  9. Preferably have experience of at least 1 ( one ) year in the relevant field in Government or Private Institutions .
  10. Placement in Regional Office / Office of the FSA in accordance with the location of the test or the Regional Office / other nearest FSA office .
Lokasi Tes Dan Penempatan

  1. Jakarta 
  2. Banjarmasin
  3. Samarinda
  4. Palangkaraya
  5. Pontianak
  6. Bandar Lampung 
  7. Bandung 
  8. Tasikmalaya 
  9. Cirebon 
  10. Surabaya 
  11. Denpasar 
  12. Mataram 
  13. Kupang 
  14. Malang 
  15. Kediri 
  16. Jember 
  17. Semarang 
  18. Yogyakarta 
  19. Solo 
  20. Purwokerto 
  21. Tegal 
  22. Medan 
  23. Banda Aceh 
  24. Batam 
  25. Pekanbaru 
  26. Padang 
  27. Jambi 
  28. Palembang 
  29. Bengkulu 
  30. Makassar 
  31. Kendari 
  32. Palu 
  33. Manado 
  34. Ambon 
  35. Jayapura 

Jadwal dan Proses

Diposting Oleh : Andrian

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