Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Job Vacancy BUMN PT. Pindad (Persero)

Looking for a jobs ? job vacancy BUMN PT. Pindad (Persero)

Position : Karyawan

A. Degree ( S1 )
1. Industrial Engineering
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Metallurgical Engineering
4. Engineering Physics
5. Chemical Engineering
6. Law
7. Management

B. Diploma ( D3 )
1. Technical Information
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Civil Engineering
4. Automotive Engineering
5. Electrical Engineering ( Flow Weak )
6. Mechatronics

Placement Bandung and Turen Malang

General Requirements :

a. Male / Female
b . Maximum age 24 years ( D3 ) and 27 years ( S1 ) on the date December 31, 2014 .
c . GPA of at least 3:00
d . Accreditation Department at least B
e . TOEFL minimum of 450

Administrative Requirements :

1. Fill out the registration form / Register in
2. Pas recent color photo ( PDF format )
3. The diploma and transcripts , and TOEFL certificate ( PDF )
4. Copy of valid ID card ( PDF )
5. points 2 s / d 4 sent via e - mail to with subject recruitment 2014 ( last school ) , for example: recruitment 2014 D3 atau recruitment 2014 S1 

Extended application s / d on 9 November 2014 by adding 3 ( Three ) Subject ( S1 ) as the points 8 , 9 and 10

Diposting Oleh : Andrian

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